- Νέα ενότητα Recaps
- One Tree Hill 6x01 - Touch Me I'm Going to Scream, Part 1
- One Tree Hill 5x11 - You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side
- One Tree Hill 5x18 - What Comes After the Blues
- One Tree Hill 5x17 - Hate is Safer Than Love
- Οne Tree Hill 5x16 - Cryin' Won't Help You Now
- 6x02 - One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning - Sexed Up version
- 6x03 - Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly.
- 6x04 - Bridge Over Troubled Water
- 6.05 - You've Dug Your Grave, Now Lie In It *New* Podcast
- 6.06 - Choosing My Own Way of Life Podcast *New*